
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Back in Action

So I'm back in highsec, with the same friends as before, just more SP and experience now. I Had fun with my couple of months in VETO and they're everything I had hoped they would be when I had joined, unfortunately I just couldn't maintain my wallet since RL issues had forced me to use PLEX to keep playing. Its tough to make ISK with a SINGLE account while locked in lowsec.

I parted ways with VETO a couple months ago and took up running missions in highsec again, but of course as that became too boring I was soon looking for other ways of making a profit. This obviously lead back to our old ways of highsec wardec's and extortion... Huzzah! So the blog is now active again and I'll be updating it now and then with our exploits... oh and I'll keep the posts shorter this time, even the chat logs.

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